Automatic Abuse Prevention
Our automated system (VPSMON) ensures customers only use their fair share of system resources. The in-place system will automatically limit or take action on any disruptive customers, keeping your services unaffected and highly available.
Visit VPSMon.com for more information.
Attack Detection & Mitigation
Each of our VPS hardware nodes and customer services are automatically monitored for attacks.
If an attack is detected our systems will automatically unleash the protection of a Cisco Guard hardware network firewall for 24 hours, keeping your service online and accessible.
While all our servers utilize storage devices in mirrored RAID arrays as a first line of defense against unexpected data loss, it is not a substitute for proper backup policies. We understand our customers are busy running their servers, websites, and businesses, and may overlook the importance of their own backup policy. For that reason we regularly backup all of our hardware nodes - multiple times per day. Your data is safe against any unexpected losses.
With our 10 day data retention policy we can restore your VPS or specific files from any of our restoration points by request. Having a peace of mind about the safety of your data is just one of the extra benefits of choosing us as your VPS provider.
When it comes to our servers we provide only great hardware. All of our servers run top of the line hardware even at the budget VPS price point we're able to offer.
Our servers utilize Intel Ivy Bridge processors for blazing fast computations and solid-state drives in RAID configurations for disk storage allowing for high performance disk I/O, resulting in a truly stable environment.
- Intel Solid-state Drives (mirrored RAID) storage
- Quad-core Intel Ivy Bridge processors
- 1 Gbps network uplink
We run the latest major OpenVZ RHEL 6 kernels across all of our hardware nodes.